empower your future ​with NIL!



Welcome to the game-changing world of ​NIL—Name, Image, and Likeness. OnNILhelps you unpack the details and explore ​what this means for your athlete's future.

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NIL allows athletes to earn money from their talents, ​opening new financial opportunities. Traditionally, only ​2% of high school athletes receive scholarships, andfull-ride scholarships are rare, primarily for revenue sports ​like Division I basketball and football.

NIL changes this landscape. Now, athletes in various sports ​can leverage their names and images to earn money, ​enhancing their chances of affording college—even without ​a D-1 scholarship.

Media ​Matters

In today’s world, social media isn't just for personal ​expression; it's a powerful tool for creating and monetizing ​your personal brand. For athletes, this presence can be an ​incredible and long-lasting source of income through NIL. ​Your athlete's unique sport can attract millions of fans. By ​sharing their journey, they can create a profitable brand. To ​maximize these opportunities, athletes must establish a ​solid social media presence.

Score ​Longterm

NIL allows athletes to earn money from their talents, ​opening new financial opportunities.

As parents, it's vital to understand how NIL impacts ​recruitment and scholarships. NIL makes athletes with solid ​personal brands more attractive to colleges, influencing ​scholarship offers and recruitment strategies. Guiding your ​athlete through this evolving landscape ensures they ​maximize their opportunities. Embrace NIL, and help your ​athlete succeed on and off the field.

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Let's ​discuss


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What's Included:

  • Comprehensive NIL Basics: Understand the foundations of NIL, including the ​legal aspects, eligibility requirements, and how it impacts high school and ​college athletes.

  • Brand Building Workshop: Learn how to create a personal brand that attracts ​sponsorships and endorsements. We cover social media strategies, content ​creation, and compelling storytelling.

  • Contract Negotiation Tips: Gain confidence in negotiating NIL deals with ​practical advice from industry experts. Understand the key terms, potential ​pitfalls, and best practices.

  • Real-Life Success Stories: Hear from athletes who have successfully ​leveraged NIL opportunities to fund their college education. Their journeys ​will inspire and guide you.

  • Parental Guidance: Special sessions dedicated to parents help you support ​your athlete's NIL journey and make informed decisions together.

Why This Series?

Our NIL Educational Series is the most comprehensive and accessible resource, designed specifically for high school ​athletes and their families. Every athlete, regardless of skill level, has the potential to benefit from NIL opportunities.

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Unlock Your Athlete's ​NIL Potential

Introducing our exclusive NIL Educational Series, designed to give young athletes and their ​parents all the critical information needed to navigate the world of Name, Image, and Likeness ​(NIL) opportunities. Whether a budding superstar or just starting, our series provides ​invaluable insights and strategies to help them make money for college—regardless of their ​skill set.

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on N​ewsletter

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"This was such an amazing resource ​for me and my family. We used it to ​understand my options and to get ​some ​of the best offers."

Avery Neff -

Univerity of Utah

Red​ Rocks​

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"Game-Changer for Our Family!"This ​series provided us with everything we ​needed to know about NIL. The real-​life success stories were inspiring, ​and the parental guidance sessions ​helped us support our athlete better. ​It's a must for any family with a young ​athlete.”​

Jessica T. -

Supportive Mom

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"Empowered and Informed!"Thanks t​o the NIL Educational Series, my d​aughter understands how to l​everage her talent off the field. The b​rand-building workshop and c​ontract negotiation tips were e​specially helpful. We feel e​mpowered and ready to take on NIL o​pportunities. "

Mark R. -

Sports Dad

CUrrent News


Unlocking the Truth ​About Athletic ​Scholarships: A Guide ​for High School ​Athletes and Their ​Parents

The Value of Social ​Media in NIL for High ​School Athletes

In the modern landscape of Name, Image, ​and Likeness (NIL) opportunities, social ​media has emerged as a powerful tool for ​high school athletes. Building a strong ​social media presence can significantly ​enhance an athlete's marketability and ​open up a wide array of endorsement and ​sponsorship opportunities. Platforms like ​Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok provide ​athletes with the ability to showcase their ​talents, share their personal journeys, and ​engage directly with fans and potential ​sponsors. By creating engaging and ​authentic content, athletes can cultivate a ​loyal following that adds tremendous value ​to their personal brand.

Moreover, a robust social media presence ​allows high school athletes to ​demonstrate their influence and reach, ​which are key metrics that sponsors and ​brands consider when looking for ​endorsement partners. Consistent ​posting, interacting with followers, and ​collaborating with other influencers can ​amplify an athlete's visibility. High-quality ​content that highlights not only athletic ​prowess but also personality and interests ​can create a well-rounded image that ​appeals to a broader audience.

As a high school athlete, the dream of ​playing sports at the collegiate level often ​comes hand-in-hand with the hope of ​securing an athletic scholarship. However, ​the world of athletic scholarships is filled ​with misconceptions and myths that can ​cloud judgment and decision-making. ​Understanding the realities of athletic ​scholarships is crucial for both athletes ​and their parents. This newsletter aims to ​debunk common myths and provide a ​clear, factual understanding of what to ​expect when pursuing athletic ​scholarships.

Myth 1: Full-Ride Scholarships are ​Common

One of the most pervasive myths about ​athletic scholarships is the belief that full-​ride scholarships are commonplace. The ​reality is that full-ride scholarships are rare ​and typically reserved for sports that ​generate significant revenue for the ​college, such as football and basketball. ​According to the NCAA, only about 2%

Laws allow college athletes to enter into brand partnerships and make ​money promoting companies, services, or products both nationally and ​locally. However, there are limitations. Most state laws and school ​policies preclude student-athletes from using their name, image, or ​likeness to endorse particular products such as alcohol or gambling.

Additionally, NIL policy prohibits four key activities:

  1. Deals without a quid pro quo: Athletes must provide a service or ​make a social media post in return for payment.
  2. Deals or payments tied to athletic performance or achievement: ​Payments cannot be contingent on specific athletic ​accomplishments.
  3. Recruiting inducements: Deals cannot be offered as an incentive to ​commit to a particular school.
  4. Schools entering into NIL deals with their own athletes: All deals ​must be made through brands or outside agencies, not directly with ​the school.

In states without concrete NIL guidelines, athletes and parents should ​consult school athletic departments and compliance offices when ​considering NIL deals, ensuring they adhere to both state laws and ​institutional policies.